Journal Articles | Conference Papers | Book Chapters | PhD Thesis | Edited
Journal Articles
5790233 ZJY82L5I 1 apa 50 date desc 1 1 title Visi 791
Tanaka, A., Visi, F., Di Donato, B., Klang, M., & Zbyszyński, M. (2024). An End-to-End Musical Instrument System That Translates Electromyogram Biosignals to Synthesized Sound. Computer Music Journal, 1–40. Download
Visi, F., Basso, T., Greinke, B., Wood, E., Gschwendtner, P., Hope, C., & Östersjö, S. (2024). Networking concert halls, musicians, and interactive textiles: Interwoven Sound Spaces. Digital Creativity, 0(0), 1–22. Download
Griffiths, A. G. F., Garrett, J. K., Duffy, J. P., Matthews, K., Visi, F. G., Eatock, C., Robinson, M., & Griffiths, D. J. (2021). New Water and Air Pollution Sensors Added to the Sonic Kayak Citizen Science System for Low Cost Environmental Mapping. Journal of Open Hardware, 5(1), 5. Download
Visi, F. G., Östersjö, S., Ek, R., & Röijezon, U. (2020). Method Development for Multimodal Data Corpus Analysis of Expressive Instrumental Music Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(576751). Download
Visi, F., Coorevits, E., Schramm, R., & Miranda, E. R. (2017). Musical Instruments, Body Movement, Space, and Motion Data: Music as an Emergent Multimodal Choreography. Human Technology, 13(1), 58–81. Download Download
Conference Papers
5790233 8MWBZ5AR 1 apa 50 date desc 1 1 title Visi 791
Visi, F. (2024). The Sophtar: a networkable feedback string instrument with embedded machine learning. NIME 2024 Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Download
Visi, F., Schramm, R., Frödin, K., Unander-Scharin, Å., & Östersjö, S. (2024). Empirical Analysis of Gestural Sonic Objects Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. In A. R. Jensenius (Ed.), Sonic Design (pp. 115–137). Springer Nature Switzerland. Download
Ek, R., Östersö, S., Visi, F. G., & Petersson, M. (2021). The TCP/Indeterminate Place Quartet: a Global Hyperorgan Scenario. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Download
Harlow, R., Petersson, M., Ek, R., Visi, F., & Östersjö, S. (2021). Global Hyperorgan: a platform for telematic musicking and research. NIME 2021, 1–15. Download
Visi, F. G., & AQAXA. (2020). “You have a new memory.” ICLI 2020 – the Fifth International Conference on Live Interfaces.
Visi, F. G., & Tanaka, A. (2020). Towards Assisted Interactive Machine Learning: Exploring Gesture-Sound Mappings Using Reinforcement Learning. ICLI 2020 – the Fifth International Conference on Live Interfaces, 10–19. Download
Visi, F., & Schramm, R. (2019). Introduction. In F. Visi (Ed.), Music proceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical expression (p. 4). UFRGS. Download
Visi, F. (2018). SloMo study #2. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 1–2.
Schramm, R., Visi, F., Brasil, A., & Johann, M. (2018). A polyphonic pitch tracking embedded system for rapid instrument augmentation. In L. Dahl, D. Bowman, & T. Martin (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 120–125). Virginia Tech. Download Download
Dahl, L., & Visi, F. (2018). Modosc: A Library of Real-Time Movement Descriptors for Marker-Based Motion Capture. MOCO ’18 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing, 1–4.
Visi, F., & Dahl, L. (2018). Real-Time Motion Capture Analysis and Music Interaction with the Modosc Descriptor Library. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 144–147. Download
Visi, F., Georgiou, T., Holland, S., Pinzone, O., Donaldson, G., & Tetley, J. (2017). Assessing the Accuracy of an Algorithm for the Estimation of Spatial Gait Parameters Using Inertial Measurement Units. MOCO ’17 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing, 1–7. Download
Visi, F., Caramiaux, B., Mcloughlin, M., & Miranda, E. (2017). A Knowledge-based, Data-driven Method for Action-sound Mapping. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Download
Visi, F. (2016). Tuned Constraint. ICLI 2016 – International Conference on Live Interfaces.
Visi, F., & Miranda, E. R. (2016). Instrumental Movements to Physical Models: Mapping Postural and Sonic Topologies through Machine Learning. Porto International Conference on Musical Gesture as Creative Interface.
Visi, F., Coorevits, E., & Miranda, E. R. (2015). A practice-based study on instrumental gestures in music composition and performance: Kineslimina. MuSA 2015 – Sixth International Symposium on Music/Sonic Art: Practices and Theories.
Visi, F., Coorevits, E., Schramm, R., & Miranda, E. (2015). Instrumental Movements of Neophytes: Analysis of Movement Periodicities, Commonalities and Individualities in Mimed Violin Performance. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR). Download
Visi, F., Coorevits, E., Miranda, E., & Leman, M. (2014). Effects of different bow stroke styles on body movements of a viola player: an exploratory study. In A. Georgaki & G. Kouroupetroglou (Eds.), Proceedings of the joint ICMC | SMC |2014, 40th International Computer Music Conference, 11th Sound and Music Computing conference (pp. 1368–1374). Download
Visi, F., Dothel, G., Williams, D., & Miranda, E. (2014). Unfolding | Clusters: A Music and Visual Media Model of ALS Pathophysiology. Proceedings of SoniHED Conference: Sonification of Health and Environmental Data. Download
Visi, F., Schramm, R., & Miranda, E. (2014). Gesture in performance with traditional musical instruments and electronics. Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing – MOCO ’14, 100–105. Download
Visi, F., Schramm, R., & Miranda, E. (2014). Use of Body Motion to Enhance Traditional Musical Instruments: A Multimodal Embodied Approach to Gesture Mapping , Composition and Performance. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 601–604. Download
Visi, F., Williams, D., Dothel, G., & Miranda, E. (2014). Musification of ALS Pathophysiology: Notes on Timbre and Spatialisation in Unfolding | Clusters. Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology – CIM14, 1–6. Download
Visi, F., Williams, D., Dothel, G., & Miranda, E. (2014). An Immersive Media Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. EVA London 2014: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. Download
Book Chapters
5790233 SCEBQZZN 1 apa 50 date desc 1 1 title Visi 791
Visi, F. G., & Tanaka, A. (2021). Interactive Machine Learning of Musical Gesture. In Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music (pp. 771–798). Springer International Publishing.
Zbyszyński, M., Di Donato, B., Visi, F. G., & Tanaka, A. (2021). Gesture-Timbre Space: Multidimensional Feature Mapping Using Machine Learning and Concatenative Synthesis. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Vol. 12631 LNCS (pp. 600–622). Download
Visi, F., & Faasch, F. (2018). Motion Controllers, Sound, and Music in Video Games: State of the Art and Research Perspectives. In D. Williams & N. Lee (Eds.), Emotion in Video Game Soundtracking (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing.
Visi, F. (2017). Augmenting Instruments and Extending Cultures: on the Overtone Violin. In A. R. Jensenius & M. Lyons (Eds.), A NIME Reader: Fifteen years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Springer International Publishing.
Visi, F., Coorevits, E., Schramm, R., & Miranda, E. R. (2016). Analysis of Mimed Violin Performance Movements of Neophytes: Patterns, Periodicities, Commonalities and Individualities. In R. Kronland-Martinet, M. Aramaki, & S. Ystad (Eds.), Music, Mind, and Embodiment: 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, CMMR 2015, Plymouth, UK, June 16-19, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Vol. 9617, pp. 88–108). Springer International Publishing. Download
PhD Thesis
5790233 5RK4KP6U 1 apa 50 date desc 1 1 title Visi 791
Visi, F. (2017). Methods and Technologies for the Analysis and Interactive Use of Body Movements in Instrumental Music Performance [PhD Thesis, Plymouth University].
5790233 D4CB8LXL 1 apa 50 date desc 1 1 title Visi 791
Visi, F. (Ed.). (2019). Music Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. UFRGS.