Workshop and Performance at Harvestworks, New York City

I recently ran a workshop and performed at Harvestworks in New York City. The workshop was done in collaboration with Andrew Telichan Phillips form the Music and Audio Research Laboratory at NYU Steinhardt. The amazing Ana García Caraballos performed with me…


Testing the XTH Sense with Physical Models and Machine Learning

I recently had the chance to play with a prototype version of the new XTH Sense. I met up with Marco Donnarumma and Balandino Di Donato at Integra Lab in Birmingham and we spent a couple of days experimenting with this interesting and…


Performances at Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival 2016

Very excited to be performing two pieces at this year’s Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival. The super talented Esther Coorevits will once again join me to perform an updated version of Kineslimina, which will be performed at the Gala Concert on…


Video: Kineslimina performed at CMMR 2015

While I’m in New York working on motion sensors for music performance, here is a video of my piece Kineslimina performed last June at 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) in Plymouth, UK. I’m not 100% happy with the…


Kineslimina performed at CMMR and MuSA

Kineslimina was performed at the 11th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) in Plymouth (UK) and at Sixth International Symposium on Music/Sonic Art in Karlsruhe (Germany). The performers are Esther Coorevits on viola and motion sensors and yours truly on electric guitar and…
