Author: _FV

  • Pill #2

    Pill #2

    Pill #2 is part of the music I did for Mattia Castelli’s performance “Toro”, which debuts tonight here.

  • Mind Bombing @ MAISON22, Bologna

    Mind Bombing @ MAISON22, Bologna

    11+12/12/12 | h. 19.00 // 21.00 // 23.00 | @ Maison 22, Bologna, IT.

    Mind Bombing
    Interactive performance for 12 spectators

    concept Andrea Fronzoni, Cristina Ghinassi, Andrea Pedna, Federico Visi
    with Cristina Ghinassi
    live music and sound Federico Visi
    video Andrea Pedna

    More info here and there.

  • Pill #1

    Pill #1

    Here’s the second Pill. It features some drumming by the almighty Marco Frattini.

    Here‘s the previous Pill.

    You can find all the Pills in this soundcloud set.

  • Pill #0

    Pill #0

    I have spent around 50 days recording material in a warehouse in Ravenna industrial area.

    Now I’m sorting out all the material I recorded in that beautiful space and working on the actual tunes .

    While I do that, I make some short tracks where I try some ideas and do some experiments with the sounds I recorded there.

    I called these short tracks “Pills” because they calm me down.

    Here’s the first one, Pill #0.

  • Music For Things You See

    Music For Things You See

    While working on some new music and projects, I decided to collect some old tracks I did for various media and release them as a free download.

    What you need to do is to click on the button below and tweet or post to facebook about it. That’s it, the download will start automatically.

    Thank you for your support and for listening!


    Some of the tracks are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

    If you work with visual media, feel free to use them for your non-commercial projects.

    For commercial purposes, please contact me.

    I hope you enjoy this music, comments are welcome.

  • Disambigua – Sephirot @ WAM

    Disambigua – Sephirot @ WAM

    di Andrea Fronzoni e Cristina Ghinassi
    con Cristina Ghinassi
    regia Andrea Fronzoni
    musiche e suono dal vivo Federico Visi
    progetto video Andrea Pedna
    col sostengo di Do – nucleo culturale e Casa del Teatro di Faenza

    Apriamo le porte degli inferi e lasciamo che sia Lilith ad accompagnarci in questo viaggio simbolico e reale.
    In una successione di azioni apparentemente prive di logica umana, Lilith è lì per noi, per rivelarci il duplice aspetto dell’agire umano,
    per restituircelo in un’oscenità latente ad ogni individuo, mostrando come dietro la quotidianità piatta e ripetitiva delle nostre azioni si nasconde
    la responsabilità di ciò che accade e quel che irreparabilmente si omette di ricordare: la nostra colpa.
    « Voglio essere una puttana. Braccia per afferrare, gambe per camminare, nessun dolore; nessun pensiero »

    Evento FB

  • Video featuring some of my music on (website of one of the major italian newspapers) posted a video reportage featuring some of my music.

    The video was made by the guys at LAPLAY in Rome (thanks to Alessandro and Italo!).

    You can see the video here.