Author: _FV

  • Photos from the Warehouse

    Photos from the Warehouse

    Some of the pictures I took in the warehouse in Ravenna near the “darsena”, where I recorded some material for my solo electroacoustic project.

    All the pictures were shoot by me using a tripod and long multi-exposures, only few minor adjustments were made after.

    [slideshow_deploy id=’638′]

  • Leaving Beirut

    Leaving Beirut

    I’m back home after some wonderful days in Beirut.

    I completely forgot to ask some friend to take pictures during my concert at Yukunkun, luckily Maria Kassab snapped a couple of pictures with her mobile phone, I have also taken a picture of the set during the soundcheck. Thanks to Sharif Sehnaoui for inviting me and to all the people that came to the concert, the feedback I received was really lovely.


    Yukunkun panorama

  • A sound postcard from Beirut

    A sound postcard from Beirut

    This is a processed field recording taken on 19/04/13 in Hamra Street, Beirut, Lebanon.
    It was sent the same day to Italy to be played during a live performance of Kisses From Mars in Ravenna. It is therefore a sort of sound postcard from Beirut.

  • Beirut


    I am flying to Beirut tomorrow with Cristina Ghinassi of In_Ocula to meet the artists involved in CrAcK, an exchange project and residency directed by In_Ocula. Learn more here.

    I will also be doing a solo live set in Beirut, more info soon.

    Can’t wait to be there.

  • MEME – workshop and final show

    MEME – workshop and final show

    This weekend I am with In_Ocula for the final part of MEME workshop.

    The outcome will be shown on April 14th in Faenza at Teatro Masini along with the shows from the workshops directed by Menoventi and gruppo nanou.

    More info here (ITA).

    MEME unità contagiosa di evoluzione culturale, progetto formativo sulle arti sceniche, si conclude con un evento performativo che vedrà in scena i partecipanti dei tre laboratori di teatro, danza e performance, curati da Menoventi, gruppo nanou e In_Ocula. Tre corti, tre sguardi differenti, tre processi creativi e linguistici diversi che accompagnano chi agisce e chi guarda in una visione poliedrica delle possibilità dello stare in scena.





  • Live with Ronin

    Live with Ronin

    I am honoured to join Ronin on stage at Bronson on 26 March 2013 to play one song from their new 7 inches Twin Peaks.

    It is one of my favourite Italian bands, highly recommended.

    Balmorhea is going to play after them.

    See you there.

  • MEME – Laboratori di Teatro, Danza e Performance

    MEME – Laboratori di Teatro, Danza e Performance

    On 22nd-24th March and 5th-7th April 2013 I will be joining in_Ocula for a performance and theatre workshop called RE-EXISTENCE, part of the workshop series MEME.

    Learn more (ITA)…

    MEME – unità contagiosa di evoluzione culturale – amplifica quest’anno la sua offerta formativa e si arricchisce di sguardi e contributi variegati alle arti performative, articolando il proprio percorso laboratoriale attraverso tre differenti proposte guidate da tre compagnie: Menoventi per il teatro, Nanou per la danza contemporanea e In_Ocula per la performance.
    Tre sguardi differenti, tre processi creativi e linguistici diversi, pensati secondo una logica comune: accompagnare i partecipanti attraverso un iter multidisciplinare e pluriforme, che sappia far interagire e convivere le differenti proposte, senza tentare un’improbabile fusione ma rispettandone differenze e alterità e attingendo forza proprio dal confronto e dallo scambio comune.
    In questo modo, ogni proposta seguirà la sua direzione e confluirà in un proprio risultato performativo, che sarà presentato al pubblico insieme agli altri due all’interno di un unico evento pubblico al termine di tutti i percorsi.
    MEME conferma così la sua natura mutevole ed evolutiva e si affida per questo secondo anno alla direzione artistica della compagnia In_Ocula e della cooperativa E (di cui Menoventi e Gruppo Nanou fanno parte), rilanciando un nuovo invito rivolto a tutti coloro che hanno qualcosa da mettere in gioco.


  • Feral Choir

    Feral Choir

    Today and tomorrow I will be part of Phil Minton’s Feral Choir.

    See you on Sunday 17/3/13 around 18.30 at Almagià for the live performance during the closing night of Transmissions VI festival.

  • Pill #4

    Pill #4

    A night pill, a sleeping pill.

  • Pill #3

    Pill #3

    Here’s Pill #3, there’s an autoharp and a silo in it, and they lie in a warehouse.